Creative, Empowered Women’s Retreat March 28-31, 2019
11 Mid-career women creatives across disciplines and from around the country assembled at The Shire in The Woods in McGrath, MN to gather, share, learn and receive through dialogue, workshops and reflection around three pillars:
Envisioning and Goal-Setting. Centering and Grounding. Fellowship and Sisterhood.
Participants were hosted in comfortable cabins on a quiet, wooded retreat center approximately 2 hours north of the Twin Cities.
“It exceeded my expectations! I went into it for professional reasons (expanding my network, finding new influences, opportunity to lead a guided writing activity) but found myself benefiting in more of a spiritual and interpersonal way. The sense of connection with this group of women was remarkable, and I came away feeling centered, inspired, and refreshed. Ultimately, these qualities do relate back to my professional goals. Getting out of my usual routine is always good for my writing practice, and I have a renewed sense of confidence that I have the power to create the reality I want.”
“I left the Shire feeling so full and loved and supported and okay with me. Knowing who I be what I have and what I do. I will never be the same.”
Click on the images to view the slide show below
A guiding question:
What are you here to receive? What are you here to offer?
Workshop Leaders, Trena Bolden Fields (Creative Life Coach) and Angela Fern (Adaptive YogaMN), provided dynamic and transformative workshops.
Participants were also asked to bring an offering which varied from artistic presentations, proposals, classes in book arts, writing, and embodying divine feminine magic to cooking, building fires and listening.
We learned, shared, cried, laughed, danced, eat and drank together.
Forming bonds that exist to this day.
“The CEW Retreat was exactly the kind of experience my soul needed. I was able to connect deeply with other creative women on a level that has been unattainable in the past. I believe that I have created a new family of strong, empowered women who will always be there for me. This past weekend was 100% magical.
“Thank you so much Alanna for moving mountains to allow all of us this wonderful retreat and opportunity to share in a deep and meaningful way. You are an inspiration and dear friend. This was a brave thing to do and it couldn’t have been more of a success than it was! (I also loved the Shire!! Great spot!)
Words from Juliet at breakfast the last day of the retreat
Planning is under way for 2021’s women’s retreat.
A think tank will be assembled in Fall 2020.
If you are interested in joining the next women’s retreat in April 2021 please email Alanna at or click on the button below!